My Consumption Problem(s)
I'm sitting in my cubicle and there's a small trash receptacle behind me. It's a black, trapezoid-ish shape with a matching black liner. The contents, at least the ones you can see without touching them, include two '100 grand wrappers', one 'Doritos' bag of the ranch flavored variety, one rice krispies treat wrapper, one 'gummy soda' wrapper, and one 'fizzy gummy soda' wrapper (the fizzy one was sour, tangy, and therefore superior to its predecessor). I'm not proud to say these containers were emptied of their of their contents and placed there by none other than yours truly. This wouldn't be so bad if the time frame in question was more than 24 hours. I'm falling into a habit of heavy snacking which supports my theory that there is a fat kid residing within me and he's trying to liberate himself from this his slender prison. Well not today fat kid! The next time I go grocery shopping health snacks, Nutrigrain and cereal bars maybe, are definitely on the list.
My caffeine intake also needs to be restricted. Every schoolday I have a huge break between 1120 and 300. I don't go home(travel time just isn't worth it). So I stay in school and do homework or veg on the internet. By the time 3pm comes around, I'm exhausted from my (in)activities and have been falling asleep all week. The solution here is simple...Caffeine. But the timing must be just so. Today was the first day of this experiment and it was only semi-successful, and symmetrically a semi-failure. I started drinking a cup of black coffee about a 20min before web security and finished about 10min into it. Now, I haven't had much caffeine this summer so my tolerance is a bit low. Instead of falling asleep, my thoughts started darting everywhere, from mashed potatoes to transformers to stegosauruses(stegosaurusi? surprisingly enough, this last one was the most relevant to web security). So, game plan: start drinking coffee tomorrow more than 20min before class starts and compensate for any rise in tolerance I may have. Ready? Break!
My caffeine intake also needs to be restricted. Every schoolday I have a huge break between 1120 and 300. I don't go home(travel time just isn't worth it). So I stay in school and do homework or veg on the internet. By the time 3pm comes around, I'm exhausted from my (in)activities and have been falling asleep all week. The solution here is simple...Caffeine. But the timing must be just so. Today was the first day of this experiment and it was only semi-successful, and symmetrically a semi-failure. I started drinking a cup of black coffee about a 20min before web security and finished about 10min into it. Now, I haven't had much caffeine this summer so my tolerance is a bit low. Instead of falling asleep, my thoughts started darting everywhere, from mashed potatoes to transformers to stegosauruses(stegosaurusi? surprisingly enough, this last one was the most relevant to web security). So, game plan: start drinking coffee tomorrow more than 20min before class starts and compensate for any rise in tolerance I may have. Ready? Break!
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